Product & Service / Product & Environment / Water Level / Sutron
For water level and depth measurement, no application is the same in surface and groundwater. Sutron offers a variety of sensors with different measurement principles, tailored to fit the specific requirements of different hydrologic measurement sites, including bubbler, pressure sensor, radar, and shaft encoder technology. Multiple telemetry options are also available for remote data acquisition.
The Compact Constant Flow Bubbler (Part #56-0133-25-1S), 50% smaller than Sutron’s original Constant Flow Bubbler, is a self-contained, precision device to measure water levels & temperature. It consists of a pump, tank, manifold, control board, display/keypad & enclosure. The new Compact CF Bubbler houses all components within a 10.5”x 8.5”x 7.5” polycarbonate NEMA-4X enclosure.
The Accubar® Constant Flow (CF) Bubble Gage is a self-contained, precision device to measure water levels & water temperature, consisting of a pump, tank, manifold, control board, display/keypad & enclosure.
The CF Bubbler’s built-in precision Accubar® Pressure Sensor meets the high accuracy requirements for stream gaging & monitoring of tidal/coastal areas, estuaries, groundwater, & reservoirs.
The Bubbler includes a built-in datalogger for stand-alone operation &/or backup (redundant) data recording and RS232 & SDI-12 ports for communications & maintenance. Also supports MODBUS.
The Sutron Accubar® Constant Flow (CF) Dual Orifice Bubble Gauge/Recorder, a self-contained, precision device for measuring water levels, water temperature*, suspended sediment* & density* using long established bubble gauge principles,
combines the following components into a single package. Ideal for rivers, streams, dams & reservoirs, oceans & industrial areas plus any area where water density changes, eg, tidal & estuary areas.
Sutron fused the ultra-reliable SDI-12 optical encoder with our state-of-the-art SatLink2 Logger technology to create an encoder that never forgets.
Measures stage (level) of rivers, streams, reservoirs, & other bodies of water.
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